Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st day of school 2010

Today is the first day of school for Garrett and Grace. They were very excited this morning to wear their new school clothes.
Garrett is going into 4th grade and Grace will be in Kindergarten!

This is Grace with her teacher, Ms. Spearrow. I think she will have a good time in her class this year.
This is the only picture Garrett would let me take at the school. He is too cool for his mom to be hanging around taking pictures :)

After we dropped off the older kids, Jack and I went to the park to play.
He is always looking for treasures to take home in his pockets!


Barb said...

Very Cute, Gracie doesn't look too excited in the first photo-sticking out her tongue (something I'm sure her mom must have taught her-lol).
Poor Jack, he is gponna miss the kids! Lots of attention at home now :)

Maggie and Heath said...

Garrett looks so cute! He reminded me of when he was 2 or something, maybe it was his expression I don't know! Super cute! Jack is going to be so lonely without Grace to play with all day :/

Capri said...

Your kids are growing up so fast!


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